Organizational Culture Types

Different types of organizational cultures

Organizational Culture is the way organizational members relate to one another, work, and external environments. Cultures can either help or hinder an organization’s strategy (Hofstede). Hofstede explains the different types of cultures by focusing on the goal-oriented and means-oriented cultures. The work done in an organization is what characterizes the means-oriented culture. This culture encourages individuals to avoid risks and work less, even though their workdays are similar. Organizational workers are expected to achieve specific goals, regardless of the risks involved (Hofstede).

The second type of culture is the internally and externally-driven culture. Internally driven culture is where employees see their external tasks as completely given. This comes from the notion that business ethics and a business’s ability to know what is best for customers, and the entire world. Hofstede speaks of both strict and easygoing cultures. An easygoing culture indicates a loosely controlled internal structure. However, the strict culture is indicative of a culture that values time and money. The professional and local cultures are another. The workers identify themselves with their local leaders. EmployeesaEURTM identity is determined by the nature of their jobs. Hofstede speaks of two types of culture. The open type believes that anyone can fit in the organization. This is contrary to what the closed type advocates. Hofstede also mentions the work-oriented and employee cultures. Hofstede explains that workers in the employee-oriented cultures feel that the organization is concerned about their welfare. But, they don’t feel this way for those who feel pressured into work.

Some countries have more of these organizational cultures than others. Cray 56. Resource distribution in countries is different. Some countries have more resources and others less. Individuals are more likely to take risks when there is a lot of resources than when they have less. This is because they want to preserve the resources they do not have. According to Schein 81, countries with more resources are more likely to have organizations that are goal-oriented, while those without resources will have a means-oriented culture.

For any organization to succeed, employee motivation is essential. It is important that employees are motivated in different organizational cultures. Organizations must encourage risk-taking and reward employees who take initiative to improve the company’s bottom line. Employees should be rewarded for their efforts, even if they fail. It is important to build a platform for employees that allows them to meet customer demands, both internally and externally. Employees can create departments that can help customers with new ideas. This will enable employees to be more creative to help customers (Lauby76).

It is important to control employees. However, employees should not feel restricted from performing their assigned tasks. If you have an easygoing or strict culture, it can be a motivator to not control employees too much.

Both for the professional and local workers, the work should match the employees’ skills. They shouldn’t be pressured into performing tasks that are not related to their skills and professions. Learn about the challenges of working in new companies for newly hired employees. They will feel valued and confident that they can work in any organization. This will motivate them and make them more productive quickly. This will encourage employees to be open-minded and collaborative in a closed culture (Lauby 33). Organizations should show appreciation and care for employees in order to foster work-oriented cultures and employee-oriented cultures. It is possible to establish welfare departments, which will handle welfare-related concerns and provide assistance for employees. It is not appropriate to penalize them for failing to meet targets, as the working abilities and speeds of employees vary. It is important to appreciate all that they do, no matter how little. This will make them more motivated to work and less stressed (Schein 21).


  • codyyoung

    Cody Young is an educational blogger. Cody is currently a student at the University of Utah pursuing a degree in communications. Cody has a passion for writing and sharing knowledge with others.



Cody Young is an educational blogger. Cody is currently a student at the University of Utah pursuing a degree in communications. Cody has a passion for writing and sharing knowledge with others.

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