The Three Levels Of The Leadership Model

Table of Contents

Three Levels of Leadership Model Overview

Private and Public Leadership

Personal Direction

Models that incorporate theories

Models that do not incorporate theories

In a world that is constantly changing, it’s important for those in leadership roles to continually review their leadership styles. Many leadership models are used to guide and motivate people. Not all leadership theories or models are equally effective. It is important to review the different leadership models in order to fully understand the most effective model. Scholars presented ten leadership models. These included situational and servant leadership. These models are a variety of models that can be adopted by leaders to ensure the success or their group or organization. The owner of a West Virginia-based industrial company will need more than just the models presented in this article to be able to lead effectively. There are therefore three levels to the leadership model, since the model that is most effective will support the activities of an owner of an industry company. This model facilitates the development of a leader’s technical and mental perspective on the task. The theory includes different levels of leadership such as personal, private and public leadership. The three levels of model of leading is an updated theory developed to correct the flaws of older models of leadership. This theory incorporates strengths from earlier leadership models, making it the best leadership model. Cole (2004) states that this model of three levels of management is practical because it provides practical advice which can help to develop leadership skills and presence. The model summarizes what leaders can do to make their group feel their leadership. Moreover, the model provides opportunities for both technical and psychological improvements. This theory can also provide a solid foundation for leaders that want to combine authentic leadership with servant leadership. To determine the effectiveness of this three-level leadership model, one must examine the inherent levels, including public, personal, and private leadership. It is crucial to grasp the concept of the model’s diagram in order to fully understand how it works. Gill (2012) says the model as a picture is a circle with a central personal leadership. The circle has also four arrows pointing outwards. Leadership in Public and Private OrganizationsPrivate and government leadership are located on the outer levels. Northouse (2012) found that the circles correspond to behavioral levels. There is an important difference between private and public leadership. Public leadership refers to the behavior that a leader must exhibit or demonstrate in order to have an impact on two or more other people. A business owner with many employees must be able influence their behavior in order to keep the company moving forward. Private leadership differs from public leadership, as it requires a leader or manager to have the ability to influence and select workers individually. It is important for an owner of a supply company to know each employee individually. It is important to know the weaknesses of each employee. The reason why you should select and influence employees one-by-one. Many previous leadership models did not mention this idea, which is vital to the development and growth of a company or organization. To motivate workers, it’s important to know that there are 34 “public behaviors” that a good leader should follow. Public leadership is a way to encourage actions which are beneficial in three ways. It helps to set and focus on a motivating vision, which is crucial in ensuring unity. Secondly, leadership in public places cultivates positive pressure from peers that is vital for building team spirit as well as trust. Public leadership leads to successful collective action. The 34 behaviors that are mentioned in the public domain can be grouped into 5 classes. They include 12 behaviors for group building, 4 behaviors for vision setting and 10 behaviors to solve problems. The two behaviors that make up organizing and execution are 2 and 6 respectively. In this context a private leader is necessary because even though an organization or a company has exhibited unified behavior, there are still many individuals that do not share similar psychological traits, experience and ambitions. In an industrial supply firm, the private leadership can motivate employees in areas they do not fulfill. Two classes of behaviors are included in the 14 behaviors under Private Leadership. These include Individual Purpose and Task, which consists of five behaviors. These behaviors include appraising discipline and selecting. The rest of the nine behaviors fall under building and maintaining an individual, including behaviors like recognizing talent. Personal leadership is a quality that is emphasized by both public and private leadership. It is important to note that both private and public leadership give credence to personal leadership. Personal leadership is essential for leaders to improve their interpersonal skills and remove fears. Personal LeadershipPersonal management is crucial to the success of both public and personal leadership. It has a lot to do with the moral, technical, pssychological, and leadership development of the leader, all of which are important for the leader’s presence, skill, and behavior. Personal leadership can have a significant impact on an individual’s inner growth. Good leadership is therefore essential for any person. Personal leadership is composed of three elements: psychological self-mastery, technical skills, and the right attitude toward people. Personal leadership’s first element facilitates the recognition of one’s own weakness and helps to improve it. Northouse (2012) states that leaders must have knowledge of time management, individual psychology, and group psychology. Several skills are also needed to support the public and private leadership behaviors, such as goal setting, problem solving, managing group processes, and making decisions in groups. A leader of an industrial supply company will also benefit from the second element of leadership, which is the ability to be able to treat others with respect. This promotes equality and respect, both for the individual and for others. Gill (2012) identifies several factors that contribute to a right attitude, including balance, interdependence and service. Self-mastery represents the third aspect of personal leadership. This is important for an industrial supplier leader, as it encourages flexibility and self-awareness. These two traits are vital for a growing leader, since they allow a better connection to one’s own values (Northouse – 2012). This leadership model is a great way to define leadership presence. It differs from previous beliefs. In the past, it was believed that a person’s leadership presence can be gained by projecting a sense specialness to workers through job titles, skilled acting and fame. According to the three-level leadership model, genuine leadership comes from seven factors, including inner peace and fulfillment, real and high self-esteem and desire to learn. Model Incorporates TheoriesThe three-level theory of leadership incorporates many theories. The model borrows ideas from the theories to create its premise. As an example, the three-level model of leadership borrows the five practices from exemplary leadership, which has five aspects that make up great leadership. These include inspiring a vision shared, challenging processes, encouraging others to act and modeling the path. The three-level leadership model borrows from the previous leadership model in terms of motivating individuals and inspiring others to action. This model touches on how to lead a group by showing that personal leadership can be a key factor in achieving success. It does this by eliminating barriers between private and public leaders. One of the theories that are included in the three levels is the transformational theory, or relationship theory (Cole). These theories concentrate on the relationship formed between a manager and his or her workers. The three-level leadership model asks that leaders have a good attitude towards their followers and develop a relationship with them. Noteworthy, the three-level model of leadership borrows from theories about relationships that encourage leaders to ensure each person completes their own task even though the group is focused on a collective goal. Model does not include theoriesSeveral theories are not included in this model. It is important to note that the three-level leadership model addresses these issues. The theories are functional theories, trait theories and situational/contingency theories. Functional and contingency models are excluded from the model, because they do not take into account leadership presence or people’s ability to control their psychology. Gill (2012) states that functional and situational theories assume people can alter their behavior to suit the situations they are in, while leaders can adopt desired behavioral patterns after training. The traits theory has been excluded from the model, as it is based on the idea that traits are important in developing leaders. This is contrary to the three-level leadership model. In addition to this, the traits model suggests that certain traits are present in leaders, but does not describe what these traits are. (Goleman, (2000) In order to inspire and guide both leaders and those who want to become leaders, a variety of leadership models have also been developed. Not all of the theories and models that have been advanced meet the requirements to be an effective leader. Some models and theories don’t share the truths that are generally accepted about leaders. For example, the trait theory says that leaders have traits that everyone does not. It’s not completely true because people don’t become leaders by birth. The three-level leadership model is the most effective model of leadership. The three-level model facilitates effective leadership by facilitating personal, individual, and group leadership. Personal leadership promotes public and private leadership because it is conducive to peace. This is crucial when handling people and resolving personal issues. This model has incorporated some theories, including the relationship theory and five practices of exemplary leaders. It is also clear that certain theories were not incorporated into the three leadership models, despite the fact they tried to hide their limitations. The theories include the trait theory, the situational/contigency and the functional theories. These theories are not recognized as leadership models, which proves their elimination. The traits theory claims that leaders are characterized by certain characteristics, but fails to identify the specific traits of leaders.


  • codyyoung

    Cody Young is an educational blogger. Cody is currently a student at the University of Utah pursuing a degree in communications. Cody has a passion for writing and sharing knowledge with others.



Cody Young is an educational blogger. Cody is currently a student at the University of Utah pursuing a degree in communications. Cody has a passion for writing and sharing knowledge with others.

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