Strategies To Analyse The Performance Of A Video On Youtube

To analyse a YouTube video, you can use these metrics:

Views over time

YouTube Insights provides this metric at the bottom right of every video to give users and the source of the video a sense of its popularity. YouTube Insights includes this metric below the right side of each YouTube video. It is a way to let users and video creators know how popular a video is. This metric is useful for determining what content resonates with your audience.

Video views are a good indicator of video success. Video views are the most important factor in determining a video’s success.

Video ratings can also be used to show direct feedback from viewers. The video ratings appear at the bottom-right corner, along with views. The number of views and likes is shown here. To see the ratings in more detail, click on that bar graph. This allows you to compare the likes, dislikes and comments of a video with its original publication. In addition to the number of video views, ratings help you determine whether your audience enjoys or dislikes video content. Ratings are often more indicative of engagement than just viewing a video, since ratings require the audience to take action beyond simply watching it. Search rankings can be improved by feedback such as likes or disapprovals. YouTube uses these factors to determine the order of videos.

Discovery Events

It is important to know how your YouTube videos were viewed in order to better understand how you can attract more viewers. You can access this information by clicking the bar graph icon located at the bottom-right of the majority of YouTube videos. It displays the significant discovery event, i.e. referring sources that are most important for viewers. This list of the most important referral sources makes it possible to analyze which sources are statistically more significant. This information can be used to gain actionable insights as to which marketing channels attract more traffic than others. It also allows you focus your efforts. The video promotion strategy may need to be changed if one traffic source is more popular than another.

You should also take note of those websites that naturally embed our video. Copying and pasting YouTube videos onto a webpage without the need to open YouTube is what embedding video means. We can take note of the websites that embed YouTube video and contact them. Likewise, they will be notified of any new videos, allowing them to share the video.

Analyse audience demographics

If you want to see more information about your video, click the View More Statistic button. The ability to better understand audience demographics helps future content creation. It will make the content more relevant for age, location and gender. Our video content can be used to segment audiences and compare demographics. It is important to monitor a video that targets a certain demographic to make sure it reaches the correct audience. It will allow you to make more informed decisions about future marketing and content strategies.

Viewer Dip Off

The retention of an audience is another important factor to consider. The audience retention refers to how long viewers watch our YouTube videos. The length, quality and content of the video are all factors that will affect this. It is necessary to analyze audience retention metrics to determine where your viewers have stopped viewing videos. YouTube insights are very useful because they allow us to view our videos while simultaneously viewing where viewers left. This allows for the discovery of weaknesses within a video’s content and can prevent them from happening again in future. The video may be too long if the majority of viewers stop mid-way through. Was the video’s content irrelevant? Are you bored or not interested in the video? These tools can help you solve issues with declining viewership.

Tracking traffic sources

The section is very similar to YouTube Insights’ significant discovery events. Traffic Sources offers a comprehensive look at all traffic sources, with groupings based upon channel. The Traffic Sources section allows you to segment traffic by the source. For example, only referrals coming from YouTube can be grouped, as well as those from mobile apps or external YouTube.

Segmentation enables analysis of an interest source for promoting other video contents in the future. For example, viewing YouTube referrals allows the viewer to see which video drove traffic towards the video that is being analysed. These insights can help us determine if the traffic that comes from YouTube’s search engine or suggested videos is most important to our strategy for video promotion.

Share statistics

Shared videos can be a great way to make a video go viral. Video analytics must include a sharing report to help identify the videos that are being shared most. This can provide insight into why certain videos perform better on social media platforms than others. The information gained can then be used in future video productions. YouTube annotations are a great way to encourage viewers to share videos on Facebook and Twitter.


  • codyyoung

    Cody Young is an educational blogger. Cody is currently a student at the University of Utah pursuing a degree in communications. Cody has a passion for writing and sharing knowledge with others.



Cody Young is an educational blogger. Cody is currently a student at the University of Utah pursuing a degree in communications. Cody has a passion for writing and sharing knowledge with others.

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